While it is not universally considered a successor to the Civil Rights Movement, the closest thing to a modern movement is Black Lives Matter. This... Learn more about this topic: Black Lives Matter Movement | BLM History, Goals & Accomplishment ...
The reason for it was that it appeared tone-deaf. The ad made it look like protesting was this hip thing that people do for fun. Also many have even said that it might be reminiscent of the BLM movement. If your content is going to include any polarizing or emotional topics, it ...
That's what happened to Crossfit creator Greg Glassman, who made a controversial statement about racism and the BLM. Several brands (such as Reebok and Rogue Fitness), athletes and gyms began boycotting the Crossfit brand and unlinking their names to the sport. Who Is Doing It It is very ...
The so-called “hippy” movement appeared very quickly, and posed a serious challenge to the war mongers in Washington, like Lyndon Johnson and the political elites, stunned that their own children could disown THEM, walk out of the corporate jails, refuse to pick up a rifle, and join ...
This is a 2020 book by an angry, misguided, talented black woman. Some good points here on white male mainstream mediocrity. Assuming she’s right—white dudes are flukes and unwitting scumbags—why not a repatriation or segregation movement by 14% of America? Who needs whites around?
Garza refused to address this point, preferring to instead character assassinate me as “ultra left” but then followed that by tagging Sanders as “Zionist” (apparently in attempt to expose me as actually “not left”). The question becomes, if #BLM views Sanders as Zionist, and he is ...
It’s an ‘astroturf’ protest movement enabled by spaghetti-spined administration and chancellors, at the expense of students there who actually – get this – still expect an education out of it all, while enjoying something of traditional fun and non-activist college experience. I also suspect...
As an aside, it has always struck me as a peculiarly Irish quality, to rush into a full-body embrace with any movement perceived to be an enemy of their enemy, on the somewhat questionable grounds that an enemy of your old enemy must therefore be an acceptable ally to you. (This ...
A few years ago, optimistic estimates claimed that Eastern Europe possessed large shale formations that seemed likely to produce great quantities of natura
An energetic barrier that does not allow free movement in and out of the space surrounding earth has us spiritually bottled up here, endlessly repeating cycles of death and birth and sometimes very interesting but always short lives. We are forced to lead our lives of “three score and ten”...