WhatsApp’s limit was also raised to 2GB,WeChat’s limit is a measly 100MB, andSkype’s limit is 300MB. Telegram files are also stored in the cloud, so you can access them from other devices.
New websites and apps will get axed by China’s Ministry of Information as they become popular (that’s basically what happened to Twitch). The parent company of these apps often faces significant regulatory challenges, impacting their operational status within China. By using a VPN like Express...
This extension makes it possible to automatically schedule an online meeting/conference using Microsoft Teams or Skype every time a new reservation is entered into the system. 2021-03-09 New extension: Google Meet online meetings. This extension makes it possible to automatically schedule an online...
If you create a new account in Tech Community, it will not inherit your previous badges or ranks. There is no way of changing the email address on a current account, so my guess is that you logged in with a different email. If yo...
Check your WiFi adapter, if you're using a newish computer, it may be using 802.11ax, and your router may not fully support it, that happened to me recently, I changed the protocol to 208.11ac and the problem stopped.","kudosSumWeight":0,"repliesCount":4,"postTime":"2022-01-14T02...
Even every social media platform has this OPPORTUNITY. Skype, Facebook, Whatsapp, etc. Not only business meetings but also you can HOLD local meetups. Video calls are a COMMON way to talk to distant friends. Free Source There is no FEE to use a social platform. Whether it is your busin...
And that’s happened in multiple countries because they’re literally showing people exactly what they want in 15 seconds, flick the next screen, flicks the next screen. So, you know, on that side, you know, video sharing turned out to be very, very popular and to have so...
Head on over to the Starlink subreddit, and you'll find users posting images of their new satellites, with accompanying speed tests. In Missouri, users are reporting download speeds of 150 Mbps. Another user in Idaho uploaded 72 hours worth of test results, and found speeds to be an ...
A lot of fans don't like The Acolyte for the same reason I thought the prequels were dogshit: The movie/show/cartoon that defines the series for each fan is the one they happened to have seen when they were 11. It's not a dumb criticism like "this is too woke," but the sheer ...
Because you would sit down with HP, as an example, and you would just talk about the strategic things you could do together, but nothing ever really happened. … And sometimes things didn’t happen with Dell, too, but at least you were focusing on what you were trying to ...