Eliza Relman
Clark Ashton Smith 克拉克•亚什顿•史密斯 . John Milwarp和他的作品这么快就为人们所遗忘,实在是一件怪事。几个月以前,他以某种丰富多彩、富于浪漫的笔法描述东方生活的那些书籍曾经风靡一时。尽管它们内容深刻广博、将作者的语言才能展现得淋漓尽致,却很少被提及;而且,出于某种无法解释的原因,它们从书店和图书...
“there’s nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered” ~ nelson mandela (for me, this type of challenge to recall the films that had the most impact are all the more important when viewing ...
The point of this post wasn’t to simply trash Apple or iOS 7. I was genuinely excited to see something new out of WWDC and was kinda bummed out to walk away empty handed. Like some of you, I actually enjoy a good fight and I know that good competition fuels innovation and pushes c...
Jen Ortiz