Although realists characterize international relations as having essentially always been a self-help system in which states use force to promote, defend, or vindicate their own interests, we need not read it has always been that way. Alongside the self-interested self-help ethos and its attendant...
Patton Oswalt plays Detective Lafayette Baker, an investigator involved in the manhunt, and Greenleaf’s Lovie Simone is playing Mary Simms, a former slave of a doctor, while Matt Walsh plays Samuel Mudd, who treats Booth’s injury and gives him safe harbour after his crime. Will H...
Like many console games,Titanfallimplements something called “aim assist” to smooth out the experience for controller-wielding warriors. Aim assist essentially increases the margin of error in aiming: if you get the crosshair close to an enemy, it will seem to “stick” to them, as many play...