aRevenge of the Fallen is a 2009 American science fiction action film, directed by Michael Bay and produced by Steven Spielberg. It is the sequel to Transformers (2007) and the second film in the live action Transformers series. The plot revolves around Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf), the human...
GPT, which stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer. Transformers are specialized algorithms for finding long-range patterns in sequences of data. A transformer learns to predict not just the next word in a sentence but also the next sentence in a paragraph and the next paragraph in an ess...
CLIP is a gigantic leap forward, bringing many of the recent developments from the realm of natural language processing into the mainstream of computer vision: unsupervised learning, transformers, and multimodality to name a few. The burst of innovation it has inspired shows its versatility. And th...
The technology that underlies ChatGPT is referenced in the second half of its name, GPT, which stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer. Transformers are specialized algorithms for finding long-range patterns in sequences of data. A transformer learns to predict not just the next word in a ...
Tell Me What Happened: Unifying Text-guided Video Completion via Multimodal Masked Video Generation Tsu-Jui Fu1, Licheng Yu2, Ning Zhang2, Cheng-Yang Fu2, Jong-Chyi Su3, William Yang Wang1, Sean Bell2 1UC Santa Barbara 2Meta 3NEC Laboratories America ...
But if you happened to be at the movie theater, I pray that you were nowhere near the egregious load of crap disguised as a movie called “New Year’s Eve.” If you were one of those looking to get in the holiday spirit, I surmise you walked out not blissful for the year to come...
could allow anyone to instantly tap into what seemed to be an endless source of knowledge simply by typing in a prompt—and then continue the conversation as if hanging out with a fellow human who just happened to know everything, albeit one with a penchant for fabrication. within openai, ...
As Marvel click-chasing as the Internet is these days, there was plenty of service journalism on page one to fill me in. The more I read, the more I saw information about infinity stones. What they were, who had them, what happened the last time we saw one. I’m not such a ...
Needless to say, this is when the great awakening happened, THD. Westinghouse tech said “oh yes that’s a THD problem, 23%. Generator back to Sam’s. Have been ploughing through web page after web page and there are supposedly some less than 6% THD generators out there that are not ...
So this is basically a placeholder post for now. Everything at WordPress seems to have changed, lol. I’m playing catch-up. Hope everyone is well. The Aftermath Well that happened. I was working on several posts when the lockdown began. Then my mom got sick and landed in the hospital...