To me, he became undead on June 15, 2023, the day I read that letter from Harvard. The reality of what happened to him — what could have happened to him — is never far away, a potent force waiting to rewrite my memories. Like grief, triggers can crop up unexpectedly, and in...
Whatever Happened to Purgatory? Protestants believe that when a faithful Christian dies, God... Magazine The Sin of Greed Greed is the disordered love of riches. We should love God... Magazine Coffeeshop Apologetics Dave: Hey, Carl, what did you get—iced latte? Carl: Yeah,... Magazine ...
As Monteith did so, something happened. A story started to be told. A story that was bothvivid and murderous. The schoolboys, in the strange new world of their Pacific island, gradually descended into uninhibited savagery. The typescript closed the story with a warning, a time and date: ...
Than the chap that he was licking, who just happened to be me; I could hit them with a brassie just as straight and just as far, But I piled up several sevens while he made a few in par; And he trimmed me to a finish, and I know the reason why: He could keep his temper be...
So, this past Lent I decided I would replace my evening social-media-feed-scroll-fest and park my behind in the living room with a chair and a rosary every night. Here’s what happened: I became more mindful of my actions. I can examine my life as it applies to each mystery. For ...
and Cincinnati's defense found itself in a rare rhythm that carried it to two more takeaways to create the scoreboard separation necessary to finally cruise to a win. Cincinnati's defense has spent most of 2024 trying to explain what happened, but on Sunday, the Bengals replaced their exasper...
No matter what happens in this life, God already completed the master stroke when He said, “IT is finished.” The “It” in this instance is everything. The whole long story from creation to the end of all things. Redemption for creation happened in one terrible magnificent instant, makin...
Half-way through What Ever Happened to Modernism?, Gabriel Josipovici writes that ‘Dante, working in an age when an ordered universe was taken for granted, could build his poem out of a hundred cantos precisely … and place his sinners and saints in carefully graded positions in both Heaven...
(And it was indeed a brush, as it only happened to him once, thank God.) My heart was racing, my head was aching, my stomach was roiling and I was beginning to shake. I was freaking out. I stopped my brother in mid-sentence. “Hey Jamie, listen, I’ve got some dinner on the...
What Happened to Tearney, Judd, Spider Webb and Duffy? They were all hoist by their own petard. Years earlier, First Desk Ingrid Tearney (Sophie Okonedo) set in motion a series of events that led to her downfall. She’d committed, and then covered up, a major fuck-up...