South Korean-exclusive smart speaker, which itself was a scaled-down model of another smart speaker that famouslynever shipped, would be a pretty bold move from Samsung — even more so if it insisted on equipping it with itsmuch-derided voice assistant. But hey, stranger things have happe...
The fate of the other characters also gets some good screen time, as some choose to stay while others leave. (If there's an appropriate time for a crew to break up and move on to new things, the aftermath of war seems like it.) O'Brien returns to Earth to teach at the academy; ...
a codename began with the same letter as the real name of the target. Once the correlation became clear to the British, they were able to mount various defenses for the target. But the codename for Coventry happened to be “korn” (English “corn”), and that ...
I had an excellent plan. I would teach my child to expect only three gifts for Christmas: something she wants, something she needs, and something educational. In theory, it makes perfect sense. In reality, two things happened I did not game-plan for. The first obst...
Let me tell you what happened to me. Foolishly, I decided that I would give my local Beckies a chance. I went to their after march meeting. I was ready to help. I was interested in the rise of a new group of activists. I found the same old racism. I found a group of women wh...
WTF Just Happened Today? is a sane, once-a-day newsletter helping normal people make sense of the news. Curated daily by Matt Kiser and delivered to 200,000+ people every afternoon around 3 pm Pacific. Trump and Fake News. Trump has a serious issue with something very simple: the truth...
Hey – so far so good. These are things that are at least nominally in support of the “who” of character rather than just the “what.” If nothing else, they sure as hell beat the meaningless and characterless “Physical Description” that previous editions encouraged you to have. On ...
One thing I haven’t seen addressed in these comments is what you wrote about Eowyn: “In the books, she gives up all that warrior nonsense because she’s finally found a man.” I think this is a misunderstanding of what happened in the story. You seem to be saying that Eowyn relinqui...
My initial response on this was just going to be, “I’ll send hermy advice on caring less, as maybe that’s the problem.” Everybody — not just writers — is afforded a Basket of Only So Many Fucks at the start of each day. And we spend those Fucks on whatever we ca...
Mr. Lin and his daughter often went among the harvesters. When they moved the last bundles, they stayed until dusk, they were caught in the 分享33赞 luoboyihao吧 LBYH🍀 【Rio】里约大冒险1故事原文 分享72赞 战舰世界吧 Lt_Apollo 【170114】[情报消息]14/1 QA reddit版面真难看Alabama ST镇...