In a city where tornadoes are a way of life, this is pretty significant when you consider the one in question happened some 42 years ago, destroying numerous neighborhoods, schools, and nearly all the old-growth trees in Cherokee Park. There are entire websites dedicated to this tornado and...
Rebecca Sugar's Steven Universe is a multifaceted hero for Generation Z. Steven (voiced by Zach Callison) is an adolescent boy with some very unique abilities, thanks to his mom Rose Quartz, who just happened to be from an alien species known as theGems. The series follows Steven's coming...
That’s exactly what happened to Gypsy. Some well meaning, DOT worker, De-Iced the road. Gypsy paid the ultimate price and because Gypsy’s owners were not home at the time the road was treated, they had no idea what Gypsy might have been exposed to. This breaks my heart. I had one...
Depp stars in the title role as a man unjustly sent to prison who vows revenge, not only for that cruel punishment, but for the devastating consequences of what happened to his wife and daughter. He returns to reopen his barber shop, where he becomes legend as “the demon barber...
What happened to Charlie's family in Flowers for Algernon? In The Metamorphosis, when does Gregor's father throw an apple at him?? Did Jack London ever step foot north of California? Is Lord Henry Wotton the miserable end of Dorian himself?
So what happened to the lake you ask? Well, it was filmed partly in Lake Lure, North Carolina, and Mountain Lake, Virginia. Mountain Lake dried up in 2008 and was nothing more than a pond until refilling happened in 2020. What’s your favorite dance number from this movie? Has anyone ...
bringing this up -- it’s the first day after all -- but I’ll need to know what happened to Da-Song in order to truly understand him. YON-KYO When he was in first grade-- (tearful) I’m sorry. I don’t know if I can talk about this right now. KI-JUNG It’s fine....
He sat on the bed next to me and took my hand and looked me in the eyes and in a low tone said that he’d heard we had a traumatic go around with our son and he was incredibly sorry that that happened to us and he assured me that he personally will take good care of me and...
Earlier this week, before the Hebdo attack happened, I was reading this article on the BBC about Japanese pornographic cartoons. Specifically, about pornographic/titillating cartoons featuring children and young teens. These cartoons amount to child porn, yet they are perfectly legal and even somewhat...
2024 SUCKED. We lost money, I didn't get enough exercise, and I'd rather forget the entire year ever happened. What good came out of 2024 for me personally? I can think of jack and shit, combined. It was the worst fuckin' year of my life. What a bunch of crap!