Here the users can mint a common, uncommon, or rare NFT at random. These NFTs will be based on the three movie locations - The Shire, Rivendell, and Mines of Moria. Minting one of these NFTs will give the users access to the 4K version of the movie, 8 hours of special features, an...
To start with, a few thoughts on things in the film that have happened. Marty McFly’s self-drying jacket exists. There’s a ‘hydrophobic’ nano-fabric that repels water. I’ve got a pair of board (surf) shorts that do this myself. The hover-cam that features in the film similarly...
If this allusion holds 'tis sure a mad head; Morea may be Moria, and to speak what I think, the inhabitants of modern Greece swerve as much from reason and true religion at this day, as that Morea doth from the picture of a man. Examine the rest in like sort, and you shall find...