What happened in Vattiyyoorkavu?UDF Chief Election agent reveals Abhish K. Bose Kottayam In view of the allegation of the lukewarm electioneering at the Vattiyoorkavu assembly constituency, Rajan Kurikkal, the chief election agent of UDF candidate Veena S Nair at Vattiyoorkavu assembly constit...
What happened to the Sharper Image? In a word: Apple. But it's a little more complicated than that. First, it was Best Buy and Amazon, which started stocking the same high-end, cutting-edge products that previously could only be found in stores like Sharper Image. But once Apple became...
Back in the 1970s and 1980s, Circuit City was on top of the electronics game. It helped to pioneer the big-box concept, making a one-stop shop for everything from televisions and stereos to refrigerators and automobiles, which spun off into CarMax. At its height, Circuit City had 1,52...
Fine-grained meme understanding is a task that understanding memes from the perspective of multiple subtasks. In most cases, an ordinary sentence or a picture may not convey a specific emotional meaning, but their combination brings about meaning. Therefore, it is significant to consider both ...
What happened to the Sharper Image? In a word: Apple. But it's a little more complicated than that. First, it was Best Buy and Amazon, which started stocking the same high-end, cutting-edge products that previously could only be found in stores like Sharper Image. But once Apple became...
As far as KnowYourMeme.com could tell, the audio was added to the SpongeBob clip rather than it actually being something that aired during the animated show.What Does 'What The Sigma Mean?' While the phrase has been turned into a silly meme, there is some actual meaning behind it when ...
What happened to the Sharper Image? In a word: Apple. But it's a little more complicated than that. First, it was Best Buy and Amazon, which started stocking the same high-end, cutting-edge products that previously could only be found in stores like Sharper Image. But once Apple became...
What happened to the Sharper Image? In a word: Apple. But it's a little more complicated than that. First, it was Best Buy and Amazon, which started stocking the same high-end, cutting-edge products that previously could only be found in stores like Sharper Image. But once Apple became...
We asked People To Share One Image That Defines Their City… LOL 17 Best Placards In IPL Matches That Are Totally… Trending 15 Things That Actually Happened in India This Month: May… Humor 26 News Reporting Fails That’ll Make You Laugh Your… ...
What happened to the Sharper Image? In a word: Apple. But it's a little more complicated than that. First, it was Best Buy and Amazon, which started stocking the same high-end, cutting-edge products that previously could only be found in stores like Sharper Image. But once Apple became...