Whenever anyone claims to want to have a ‘debate’ about the position of transgender people in society, no matter how ‘reasonable’ they may at first appear, no matter how much they claim not to be prejudiced, one need only scratch the surface to find the full-blown transphobe underneath....
What happened to your Finagon – both in wardrobe as well as in the range of smedly. I sadly missed out on this one and was now reminded reading your working-from-home-piece. Many Thanks, Michael Reply Simon Crompton Reply to Anonymous 4 years ago Good timing Michael. We’re actua...
happenedwhentheadultcoveredherownmouth: 11 childrensaidthattheycouldn?t 12 toher. Anumberof 13 ruledoutthatthechildren misunderstoodwhattheywerebeingasked.Theresultswereclear:Ouryoungsubjects 14 the questionsandknew 15 whatwasaskedofthem. Their 16 tothequestionsreflectedtheirtrue 17 that“Icanseeyouonlyif...
Doing beak like that with a kid at your mums, paramedics, ya shoulda thought about that one, heart stopper, BOOM! CLEAR! What happened to Richard? All I can see is gear… At six months to the day since my last post. There’s no real stellar significance to that though. I just stop...
happened to me. FRUSTRATING I had print jobs waiting in the MICROSOT IMAGE WRITER queue Noel their is a virus variation of the spooler that sits in the system32 folder called spoolvsc.exe. Trendmicro's on line scan picked it up. tom I deleted all Image writer print jobs and still had...
Donnie Darko’sinitial release left many viewers scratching their heads, unsure of what just happened. The combination ofscience fiction, teen drama, and psychological thriller made the movie difficult to classify and a bit of an emotional roller coaster ride. While it received positive reviews from...
EP9Spike Fraser in: Should I Happen to Back into a Horse The Robot Chicken crew reveals what really happened to Bambi's mother. An Animorph revives the Red Panda population. See what happens after Brainy Smurf gets diagnosed with CTE. And Bitch Pudding goes up against Norman Bates. ...
Than the chap that he was licking, who just happened to be me; I could hit them with a brassie just as straight and just as far, But I piled up several sevens while he made a few in par; And he trimmed me to a finish, and I know the reason why: He could keep his temper be...
Multiple conspiracy theories about what really happened to Sam Cooke have surfaced due to the questions that still surround his demise. Some peopleblame the mobfor ending Cooke since many African American entertainers reportedly associated with underworld bosses in the 1960s to land gigs, and it's...
The lawmaker, who is also the first Afro-Cuban member of Congress, also touched on the recent discussions over Harris’ mixed race background — including comments from Trump that she "happened to turn Black" and Republicans calling her a DEI hire. He said when he first started ...