Edward Snowden said if the NSA had "privately disclosed the flaw used to attack hospitals when they found it, not when they lost it, the attack may not have happened." On 17 May 2017, in response to criticism about the lack of disclosure, United States lawmakers introduced the PATCH Act ...
God so loved the world that he sent His Son to proclaim the gospel to the poor, specifically! Luke, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, Wherefore he hath appointed me to preach the gospelto the poor,..” And, why are all the other “commandments”, and “thou shalt not”(s), ...
I used to tell people that I loved Russia, because I do. I think everybody has a country not their own that they’re powerfully drawn to; Russia is mine. I can’t explain the attraction, only observe its symptoms going back to childhood, such as listening over and over to Prokofiev’...
I asked him what had happened, and he said that he had blocked a shot on goal in physical education class (with a teacher somewhere present). The kid who tried to score became enraged and began trying to hit my son on the head by striking downward with an overhand swing with the ...
But something happened in that conversion that I did not really comprehend then. I was given a thirst for reading and studying Scripture. If I could have skipped more classes in college to read the Bible, I would have. That thirst, I believe, is a gift from God. I pray for that gift...
You can then ask him, why are giraffes necks so long, what happened to the dinosaurs, why are the pits of avocados so big, who was the next person after Jesus was created. At Philippians 2:5-8 it says about Christ,”Keep this mental attitude in you that was also in Christ Jesus,...
When He died on the cross, His body was laid in the ground, but three days later, he was actually, physically, raised from the dead. During his life, he raised people from the dead. Lazarus, his good friend had been dead for several days, and when he came to him and called him ...
If you are not a believer and have happened to stumble onto this site, I would urge you to first of all realize that God is Holy. The angels cry "Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh." "Holy, holy, holy." (Isaiah 6:3) All will stand before Him to give an account one day. All will be guil...
So all through the Scriptures you will find that when believing prayer went up to God, the answer came down. I think it would be a very interesting study to go right through the Bible and see what has happened while God's people have been on their knees calling upon him. Certainly the...
I spent most of my chair waiting for a phone to ring, only to be told they were unable to assist me. Customer service, anyone? My oncologist won’t return until Tuesday. His assistant was supposed to call me yesterday afternoon. Guess what happened? It’s no big deal, just being used...