Inspired by R.L. Stine’s series of children’s thriller mystery books, this brand newGoosebumpsseries follows a group of high schoolers as they investigate a mysterious death that happened 30 years ago. The spooks and twists that ensue are sure to captivate both new audiencesandthose who gre...
Inspired by R.L. Stine’s series of children’s thriller mystery books, this brand newGoosebumpsseries follows a group of high schoolers as they investigate a mysterious death that happened 30 years ago. The spooks and twists that ensue are sure to captivate both new audiencesandthose who gre...
Northern gannets(pictured here atUnst Islandin Shetland, Scotland), are large, migratory seabirds known for their high-speed plunge dives. The seabirds can be found on either side of the Northern Atlantic. Scotland is home to Europe's largest population of northern gannets, with Bass Rock servin...
Depp stars in the title role as a man unjustly sent to prison who vows revenge, not only for that cruel punishment, but for the devastating consequences of what happened to his wife and daughter. He returns to reopen his barber shop, where he becomes legend as “the demon barbe...
One of the most famous accounts of alien life in Iowa never actually happened. In the opening of Robert A. Heinlein's 1951 novel “The Puppet Masters,” government agents investigate an alien ship outside Grinnell, Iowa. #33. New Hampshire ...
See what the theme park originally looked like here — plus how papers reported on the Disney World opening as it happened! Disney World Opening: Welcome to Mickey’s World By William A. Davis – The Boston Globe (Massachusetts) October 24, 1971 ...
We knew the real history of what happened to the Library of Alexandria and what was written there. What’s in the library of the Vatican? What secrets are they hiding there that could move this forward?” “…So I’m fascinated in the Tartarian empire, just like I’m fascinat...
Which is exactly what happened when it was revealed in Kamala’s new book that she has a black paternal grandmother named Beryl Harris (Finegan)… The internet quickly able to debunk that statement after discovering that Beryl Harris died in July of 1960, four years before Kamala was born…...
I was drifting a bait down through some kelp leaves, and I happened to notice that one of the kelp leaves looked a bit more like a kelp leaf than the other kelp leaves did. Just one tiny segment of a frond that was swaying back and forth in the tide was a slightly brighter yellow-...
What happened was that inflation zigzagged higher and the Fed refused to deal with it. There were hopes that inflation was temporary due to the 1973 Oil Shock and would go away on its own. And after hitting 12%, inflation did back off in the mid-1970s, dropping to about 5%, and every...