In the same way, I urge you to consider the scriptural position of this very important information.A brief word to any unbelievers in Yeshua (Jesus) If you are not a believer and have happened to stumble onto this site, I would urge you to first of all realize that God is Holy. The...
Think of what happened in the former Soviet Union. Rakiduamaiñ chem ñi rupan Union Sovietica mu. jw2019 What fine example did Sarah provide for wives? Sara, ¿chumngechi küme inayentufal elkünufi pu domo fütangelu? jw2019 What did Jezebel do in order to get Naboth’...
What happened to Mary Magdalene?Mary Magdalene:Mary Magdalene is an important figure in the Christian gospels and in popular culture surrounding the life of Jesus. She was a faithful disciple, both while Jesus was alive and after his death....
there are good teachings in most religions, but it only takes a few harmful concepts to outweigh all the good. The focus of what is wrong revolves around a single point, thehigh controlthat Watchtower has over its members, affecting both spirituality and day-to-day living. This predominates ...
I routinely arrived for class thirty minutes early to be first at the classroom doors. As the previous class dismissed, I would slip in, make my way to the front along the side wall, and wait for a front-row-center desk to open up. And Lord help anyone who happened to get between ...
Now the publication ‘xoJane’, as far as I can tell, is what would happen if Nathan Barley edited Jezebel. So I’m sure the writer of that piece is well aware of what they’re doing – ie, churning out deliberately controversial, easily contradicted, falsely absolutist, neat shiny parcel...
still an oppressor of Israel at the time this happened. There is a whole lot more here than meets the eye so let’s look at it without flinching, okay? Let’s call this “the woman with the issue of blood and Jairus’s daughter” part two because it’s the same sort of t...
Heaven is not a cheap deal for the passive, who want to get in on lip service to God. Heaven is for those who have put their lives on the line for what they believe, and are willing to be tested, and are willing to sacrifice everything for the God of their hearts. ...
9-11 happened at 9 am in the 9thmonth on the solar Gregorian calendar, but on the 6thmonth on the Islamic lunar calendar.There were 3 planes, and 3 buildings went down. 11 and 19 are also a special numbers to them, in their numerology. ...