Fabio Lovino/HBO Originally slated to run as a limited series, Mike White's Emmy-winning HBO show, "The White Lotus," took fans to Sicily for Season 2. Jennifer Coolidge returns alongside a star-studded cast, which includes Aubrey Plaza, Haley Lu Richardson, Will Sharpe, Theo James and...
I was all set to pick James’s book up a couple weeks back, but then I happened across a list of Martin Scorcese’s favorite scary movies, somewhere online, and right smack in the center of Scorcese’s list was The Innocents, a 1961 film adaptation of The Turn of the Screw. Further...
Scott doesn’t understand the outrage, though. He called the Gucci family’s response “alarmingly insulting” and reminded them that Al Pacino (who the family argued looked nothing like their tall, handsome Aldo) is, in fact, an elite actor — an Oscar winner. “How could they be better ...
Trying to find out what life is like in North Korea is a bit like trying to find out if the light turns off when you close the fridge door. You can never truly look inside and discover anything with certainty, but by talking with people and keeping your eyes open, you can start to ...
Although ClickCease blocks the majority of fraudulent activity, if any activity is detected after it has happened, then ClickCease can provide the details for you to apply for a refund. Unfortunately, Google no longer allows third parties to apply for refunds on their customers’ behalf. ...
When I got home, I told my mother what had happened and offered her one bunch. In her gentle manner, she explained that while she understood why I had taken the grapes from a poor woman, it was far better to give than to receive. I still clearly remember her words: “This woman, ...