Later, the guy in charge told me what really happened. Apparently, the local airport authorities had seen the chaos in the country as an opportunity to take a bribe. They had sabotaged the plane’s internal cockpit lights, and then demanded cash in order to be allowed to take off for Sin...
I used to tell people that I loved Russia, because I do. I think everybody has a country not their own that they’re powerfully drawn to; Russia is mine. I can’t explain the attraction, only observe its symptoms going back to childhood, such as listening over and over to Prokofiev’...
Beginning with the focus on who took the photo of Omran and who published it and neglecting the fact that what happened to Omran did actually happen and the boy really was bombed. But of course this detail is marginal… just as marginal as all other Syrian men and women in that piece of...
Thead boycott against Facebookwas supposed to be a drumbeat signaling change; a steady, crescendoing chorus of dissenters whose buying power was so strong that their absence would be noted and would bring true change to Facebook. Recommended Videos Starting in June with the announcement of the#S...
And what happened to Andrew Mallory? Mallory, it turns out, was a repeat offender. He had numerous jobs he was in and out of and after a babysitting job went sour, he broke into the family home and beat the wife, and in 1960, he broke into another home and beat and raped a mother...
It happened one afternoon last autumn. I was praying before an icon of the Holy Family. “What should I do? Should I stay Catholic or become Orthodox? Please give me some sign.” A tear rolled down Mary’s face. I wiped it away. My fingers were wet. I burst into the living room ...
What happened in Roe v. Wade? Roe v. Wade:Roe v Wade was one of the most important and controversial Supreme Court decisions in history. It was decided in 1973 by a 7-2 majority. The two dissenters were Justice White and Justice Powell....
Roe v. Wadewas a Supreme Court case that was decided in 1973. It was decided by a 7-2 decision. One of the dissenters was William Rehnquist. He later became the chief justice of the United States. Answer and Explanation: Roe v. Wadedecided that women had a constitutional right to abor...
That’s what happened in our website example above. People knew from prior experience that criticism of the website wouldn't be welcome, so they kept quiet. Illusion of Unanimity When people in the group are engaged in self-censorship, a false sense of unanimity develops. In the “Emperor...
I feel your wisdom, I feel your pain and as we step one foot after the other, these bed fellows lead us home to where our heart is. I sendloveto Robert F Kennedy Junior, I forgive what has happened and may you find your true light in your own way that surprises everyONE. ...