I just wanted to talk to someone who was knowledgeable about the vagus nerve system as a whole, and how it may or may not be affecting different parts of me. I have been planning to write about this appointment since it happened in May. By planning, I mean avoiding. So much so, that...
Sure ... from a distance cows look harmless. But if you were an Iowa kid alone trying to cross a field full of cows it was frightening. As you walked across the open space the cows would all stare at you at the same time. And it was obvious they were plotting together to figure o...
1. You'll just get all warm and cuddly around the dying girl, insinuate yourself probably end up in a custody battle. Chase, you handle the mom. Tell her that you'd just sit home and watch TV and die, but you've got to go through the motions and try to save her daughter's life...
This is one of the tenants that is truly a new kid on the block. According to its description on The Warehouse’s website, they’re simply serving bottled or canned beer and whiskey. Sounds like a great place to pre-game for a Steelies game or celebrate a big win afterward. ...
What happened? 40. to afford a view or passage; face, open, or lead (usu. fol. by on, onto, etc.): This door gives onto the hallway. 41. give away, a. to give as a present; bestow. b. to present (the bride) to the bridegroom in a marriage ceremony. c. to disclose,...
This is one of the tenants that is truly a new kid on the block. According to its description on The Warehouse’s website, they’re simply serving bottled or canned beer and whiskey. Sounds like a great place to pre-game for a Steelies game or celebrate a big win afterward. ...
Let's not kid ourselves:TikTokis trash. I mean, so isFacebook. AndNotTwitter. The internet in general. All the promise of an Information Superhighway that just became a Sociological Cesspool. It's hard to keep up with TikTok trends. One recent trend involved 'rawdogging' (don't Google ...
And if people needed guns for sport that they could go to a range and the guns would have to stay there.” We will probably NEVER KNOW what REALLY happened at Sandy Hook. Why? BECAUSE the JEW AGENDA is FIRMLY in place for GUN CONFISCATION and NOT to be opposed by FACTS.———– D...
I have become used to "Marty" the robot that roams around Stop & Shop but every so often I have to dodge out of the bot's way as if we are competing in a game of bumper cars. Sometimes Marty can't get out of its own way never mind mine...lol.Have You Crossed Paths With ...
Two summers ago I had to go to the E.R for my first swollen lip for allergies since the first time. My parents gave me 50 mg and then after we went to the hospital I was given 50 more mg. When this happened I was drowsy for about 5 days after. A week later, I had another ...