1971: Buc Wheats cereal General Mills // Wikimedia Commons 1971: Buc Wheats cereal Buc Wheats was a cereal released by General Mills described as “corn flakes mixed with dark buckwheat” and glazed with maple. However, controversy erupted when General Mills replaced that maple glaze with hone...
it has been found that these junctures of mucosa cells are stimulated to open up – like a door – allowing unrestricted access for things to flow through and go directly into your bloodstream.
think of fresh or frozen unsweetened berries. The standard portion size for berries is one cup compared to 1/2 cup for other fruits. You'll find this larger portion more filling if you are trying to lose weight and/or have diabetes. ...
One major transition in climate—global cooling at the time—happened around 3,700 to 3,000 years ago. And what is true now was true then: changing temperatures don't affect all regions of the globe equally. The effects are most pronounced in high latitude and high-altitude areas, and d...
AIP Modified Elimination foods to avoid Cereal grains (except rice):Barley, bulgur, corn, durum, farro, fonio, Job’s tears, kamut, millet, oats, rye, sorghum, spelt, teff, triticale, and wheat (all varieties, including einkorn and semolina). ...
The food industry has a reputation of taking incredibly healthy items and turning them into processed junk food and this is exactly what has happened to most yogurts available on the market. The Cornucopia Institute just came out with a very revealing report (an investigation that took 2 years...
I started out in the field of technology, so I know why this has happened: every technician wants to express his or her own individuality, and do things differently from everybody else. That's why we've ended up with a different written standard for every factory technician. In future, ...
Xanthan gum is a natural sugar derived from corn. Used in everything from makeup to ice cream, xanthan gum is usually safe, but...