no sueltes la bandera … que no quiero que hagan contigo lo que pasó a Hawaii." ("They want to take away the river and also the beach, they want my neighborhood and grandma to leave, don’t let go of the flag … I don’t want them to do with you what happened to Hawaii.")...
Although born in South Africa, Bessie Head spent much of her life in Botswana, and is widely considered one of the country’s most influential writers. First published in 1971, Maru tells the story of an orphan who goes to teach in a remote village in Botswana and how her presence polariz...
What’s next is difficult to predict. Historically, Jamaica has imposed COVID-19 restrictions when strains on the health care system might become unsustainable. Jamaica has been relatively proactive when it comes to preventive Covid measures, balanced with the need to keep their tourism industry op...