as has happened in Germany is a consequence of a politicians political decision to allow asylum seekers to hang out freely wherever they want since under EU directive all asylum seekers could be in a closed area assigned to them while their asylum claim is processed or in a closed residence....
What happened to Harriet Tubman when she was 13? How did Harriet Beecher Stowe contribute to the abolitionist movement? What did Susanna Dickinson accomplish? What influenced Harriet Tubman? What contributions did Harriet Tubman make to society?
That’s why we had insane asylums. Need to bring them back. Steen Arnt You mean USA don't you?!!! Champion Sue I’m here right now. My son lives in North Hollywood. We don’t walk around the neighborhood, which is one of the better ones in the area, but it’s still bad ...
When John reached his school, he was about ten minutes late, for which he received a light punishment. This was a very unusual thing for him, as he was never late. However, he didn’t tell the teacher what had happened. When the school was over, Hanson said to John, “For what did...
Ken Kesey's novel, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, is set in a psychiatric hospital in a time before the move away from placing mentally ill people in asylums. Along with the civil rights movement in the 1960s came the close scrutiny of the former practices...
The urge to engage with the past, especially the forgotten past, is nothing new. Neither is sneaking into vacant buildings -- especially scary or unique ones, and especially if something terrible or beautiful or simply utterly human happened there. Exploring the less-traveled, boarded-up urban ...
The emphasis on motherhood and family left little room for Italian women to deviate from the plan. Women who did not conform were sent to asylums due to the "mental illness" of not going along with the state. Between 1922 and 1943, women were admitted to asylu...
It really happened. People were eaten.” On 10 January 2025, more than two months after news of the crisis at Stilfontein had emerged, the Pretoria High Court ordered the government to launch a rescue operation. “We do not want a situation where this will be marked as the darkest point ...
Related: Legion's Ending Explained: What Happened To The Shadow King? And indeed, Disney could rightly make the claim that Legion was a show that never developed a big audience and had no real cultural impact. But that's exactly the point; it's a roll of the dice Disney never would ha...
Children (and adults) in both neighborhoods experienced the invasive carceral state, but the consequences differed. That led to racial differences in statistics about crime and delinquency that did not reflectwhat actually happenedon the ground. ...