What caused Anonymous to Hack the U.S. Dept. of Justice?
"Hacktivists" are activists who hack systems to bring attention to social and political issues. The loose collective Anonymous is probably the most well-known hacktivist group, having staged attacks against high-profile targets such as the Russian government and the United Nations. State-sponsored hac...
What Happens After Harassing Texts Are Reported to Police? HOA Gone Bad: Can Homeowner Associations Do That?! What Happens If You Miss Jury Duty? How to Report Harassing Text Messages to the Police
The fork rolled back transactions that siphoned off tens of millions of dollars worth of digital currency by an anonymous hacker. The hard fork also helped DAO token holders get theirether(ETH) funds returned. However, some miners kept mining the old chain, which was picked up by OTC desks ...
A VPN (Virtual Private Network) gives you online privacy & anonymity by creating a private network from a public internet connection. Find out how VPN works.
the 23andMe hack wouldn’t have happened if users hadn’t reused their passwords. We may one day move to an internet thatdoesn’t require passwordsto secure our accounts. But in the meantime, one of the best things you can do to keep hackers out of your accounts is to use secure passw...
Anti-Drone Weapons That Terrify America’s Enemies Is China’s New Stealth Fighter a Copy of the F-35? He Sold America's Stealth Secrets to China What a Future Space War Will Look Like China Invented an Invisibility Cloak for Drones
The term ‘scaffold’ was initially reserved for parts of the environment which either already happened to be structured or are deliberately structured by agents in such a way that they can ‘offload’ some of their cognitive load (e.g., Clark 1997). Since, for instance, multiplying two larg...
Back to top How Did the Snapchat API Hack Happen? The Snapchat API hack happened because of lax security measures. What Did the Hackers Take? The hackers got phone numbers. But the incident reveals the risks when API providers are lax about addressing core security and governance issues. Unf...
Associated Press news agency's account. It was falsely stated that an explosion had happened in the White House, with President Obama being injured in the blast. A harmless prank at first thought, but in reality, this led to a$136bn drop on theS&P 500 indexover a period of around 2 ...