He asked his father how it happened. 他问他的爸爸这事怎么发生的。#:由于主句是 asked 那么这是一般过去时态,宾语 how it happened 也是一般过去时态。 3)如果宾语从句所表示的是客观事实、普遍真理、或自然现象等,不管主句用什么时态,从句时态都用一般现在时。 The teacher said that the earth goes around ...
So, as due course would have it in our holiday household, it happened that one cold and snowflake filled night Dad walked in after work holding a gift wrapped package the size of a shoe box meant for very large shoes. As he handed it to my mom my dad smiled in a too broad grin. ...
he died laughing. There’s snowbody like you! Christmas is the season when you buy this year’s gifts with next year’s money. Fa la la la la, la la la la! Wishing you some decked out holiday glee! My favorite part of the holiday season is blaming my long-term weight gain on ...
What actually happened after he came to power?Drugs business started to expand.Drug dealers were given protection.Today the drug called Ice is spreading in villages rapidly.People thought he will change the country.They did not expect him to do any wrong.People gave him six months, one year,...
Well, it happened; (I just wasn't expecting a quick go, with someone questioning my politics, after I'd posted...here!). Amazing. By way of a couple of PM,s someone here wanted to delve 'into my politics', (although I partially was to blame, for posting regarding fears of being ...
When harmful, lectins and inflammation go together like two peas in a pod, pun intended. But the cause of this inflammation can differ depending on whether it’s occurringinsideof your GI tract oroutsideof it (in your bloodstream).
A lot of other things happened in 2024 – there was an Olympics from Paris and the Euros were hosted in Germany. No enormous time differences this time so I watched a fair bit of both. It was the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings and the 40th anniversary of theBand Aidsingle. ...
rights, racial emancipation or gender equity. In 1930s Spain, for example, women gained property, education and voting rights. And then Franco came in, and there was an extreme backlash. That has happened over and over again, whether the strongman comes into power through elections or a coup...
I am not sure i arrive at the same conclusions though as there is some evidence that seems to show us what happened in theOUTBREAK But indeed, the Entrance they (Prometheus crew) enter in is not large... not a complete circle too... yet it seems to have the same kind of look at ...
What Ever Happened to: Immature Every generation has its heartthrobs. The poor kids these days are stuck with some guy named Alex from Target. Apparently some weirdo stalker at Target snapped a picture of the poor child, who is basically a Q-tip with teeth. That pic went viral, an ...