In May 1970, thousands of students protested the Vietnam War at colleges across the United States. Students occupied their campuses, shutting down classes and visibly protesting the war in fervent degrees that not yet been seen. It was in this context that the Kent State massacre took place....
What happened in Kent, Ohio on May 4, 1970?A.President Richard Nixon announced the invasion of Cambodia.B.Students at Kent State University began a peaceful protest.C.Riots broke out in the towns streets.D.National Guard soldiers killed four students.的
but the man made some massively important choices that allowed this film to happen, and at the top of the list is his decision to go all in on coverage; there were cameras and invasive microphones everywhere, and while that may have been a huge pain the ass for everyone involved...
Stranger and more violent things have happened on the shore facing Kent over the past 2200 years. But illegal immigration is increasingly a big issue in Europe. Relations between official France and the UK have suffered. See the AP story:...
Then November 5th, 1970 happened. It was a cool day, about 45 degrees and a little windy as I remember it. I had a pretty good day at school and I was finally feeling like I was getting back into the routine of Mrs. Gulau’s classroom. The school day ended, and I completed my ...
you learn how not to report something that you don't need to report that might get you on the DHHS radar screen unnecessarily. This webinar will teach you how to frame what happened if you do need to report it, so as to minimize your potential liability. Objectives of the Presentat...
Below is the MC5'sWayne Kramersinging "Ramblin' Rose" at Wayne State University in Detroit in July 1970, two months after the shootings own May 4, 1970 at Kent State. Note that Patti Smith's husband, Fred "Sonic" Smith, now deceased, is the non-dancing guitarist in the dark cowboy ...
Given the abysmal record on economists on calling the economic trends correctly even after they have happened let alone ahead of the trend, you would think exponsents of the dismal science would be a little more cautious in proclaiming their gusses as evidence backed facts. They never seen to...
Another honor: watching a play that was adapted from your book, and that’s what happened to me at the Moxie Theater on July 11th when I attended the premier of “Eternally Bad,” taken from my book of the same name about dark goddesses. You cannot imagine how good it feels to watch...
For us, the pace of change of AI has almost come as a disruption on top of a whole lot of other changes that have happened over the last two or three years. So it doesn’t actually sit in isolation just by itself. So if we consider it as a systemic challenge for us in terms of...