At least, that's what I've noticed around the Berkshires, so when you find those self-serve car vacuums, they stay on your radar, especially if you used them a lot to get the dried, dirty snow out of your car or the sand from that summer day at the beach.Since it's winter, yo...
Celebrity Xcel to debut in November 2025. New short Caribbean itineraries introduced in summer 2024, including stops at Perfect Day at CocoCay (Royal Caribbean's private island in the Bahamas) for the first time. Celebrity Cruises earns high marks from cruisers and experts alike, thanks to its...
As has become my practice, I celebrate the end of a year and the start of a new one here at AVC with back to back posts focusing on what happened and then thinking about what might happen. Today, we focus on what happened in 2017. Crypto: I went back and looked at my predictions ...
I was going to say, one of the things we talked about in nutrition classes is low fat equals high carb or low fat equals high sugar, which is really what happened. We took fat out and replaced it with sugar or we changed the glycemic index completely by removing the fat. So yeah, ...
In a city where tornadoes are a way of life, this is pretty significant when you consider the one in question happened some 42 years ago, destroying numerous neighborhoods, schools, and nearly all the old-growth trees in Cherokee Park. There are entire websites dedicated to this tornado and...
America already faces a structural shortage of over a million homes. With builders constructing fewer homes during the high-rate environment,real estate owners stand to benefiteven more as the Fed cuts rates further. An Economic Collapse Isn't the Biggest Fear ...
What (Really) Happened "The vacationer of doom." That's the official nickname some friends have pinned on me… as of this week. In part out of anger, in part amusement. Their hypothesis: Every time I unplug and go off-grid for a weekend—like last weekend—chaos ensues. It’s ...
Enough time for us to get closer to the towers, and once we got close, we wouldn’t have stopped until we were directly at the scene. I’ve wondered what would have happened, what the sound would have been like, whether I would have reacted in time and run in the right direction,...
Tolkien's Middle-earth almost became a setting for Dungeons & Dragons, How a Lord of the Rings and Dungeons & Dragons Crossover Almost Happened ‹ Literary Hub. Are you struggling to get someone to look at your poetry? Our Poetry Critique service for up to 150 lines of poetry can help...
Again I must ask, Berkshire County, what is this country coming to? Strange goings-on at a Florida wedding that happened back in February, but new details are coming to light. Longwood, Florida police responded to a wedding back in February after some guests reported that they felt like the...