14,《unit2 what time do you go to school? section b 3a》 喜欢此内容的人还喜欢 王开东:学校走下坡路的三种表现 王开东 不喜欢 不看的原因 确定 内容质量低 不看此公众号 南梁北武&"丁香武健"之pdf1|控制与反馈:机器...
印度大叔很环保,但在环保方面,德国人更是不落人后,他们马上拿出了用树叶制作的餐盘。 这一看起来塑料感十足的餐盘,却是百分百由树叶制成。 没有一丁点的塑料、胶水、添加剂···只有树叶。 发明这一盘子的是7个德国人,他们当中有设计师、工具制造商和工程...
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分享2821 潍坊医学院吧 这么麻烦happy Disney Land,what happened?美国国旗怎么降半旗了? 分享13赞 迪士尼粉丝吧 良木伊人 【Oh My Disney】迪士尼电视动画作品展转自Oh My Disney 分享1711 迪士尼影迷吧 maosi59 外粉总结迪士尼动画五大疯狂理论冰镇 分享39赞 少儿英语培训吧 白羊小猫007 迪斯尼童话公主教会我们的那些...
Some studies suggest that using the same product daily can sometimes lead to a plateau effect (where products stop working so effectively).6 If you think this has happened to you, you can try rotating your routine, also called skin cycling. This is where you switch one product for another ...
Anyone know what happened to my computer? panic(cpu 5 caller 0xfffffe0030682a44): "i2c2::_checkBusStatus Bus is still in a bad state; last read status 00010110 int shadow 00010100 xfer 00000000 fifo 00000000 for device audio-codec-output" Debugger message: panic Memory ID: 0x6 OS releas...
It happened to me. I created a true crypt container just to try it out but then forgot to delete it and also forgot the key I used. Or in other words, not everything that is encrypted is actually important. It might be that unimportant that you even forget the key. Without the key...
What happened (include command output) There's a permission error. Command output adam@hapkido ~ $ brew install iwyu ==> Downloadinghttps://homebrew.bintray.com/bottles/include-what-you-use-0.14.catalina.bottle.tar.gz Already downloaded: /Users/adam/Library/Caches/Homebrew/downloads/56abbf52ed...
The comparison would be okonlyif each driver would drive just once a year. In reality, each driver makes on average2 trips per day, i.e. 730 car trips per year, which means that the 5,555 drivers drove in aggregate about 4 million times (5555*730). I.e., 1 in 4,000,000 drives...