“what happened”和“what's wrong”在英语中都是常用的表达,但它们有一些区别,主要体现在用法和含义上。 用法: “what happened”通常用于询问已经发生的事情,特别是当你想知道某个事件的经过或结果时。 “what's wrong”则更多用于询问对方出了什么问题或有什么不对劲的地方,它通常表示一种关心或担忧的态度。
Felicity assumed that Oliver wouldn't want to be with her anymore because of what happened but for Oliver, the love for him stayed the same and he made sure she knew that was in it for the long haul, for better or worse And Oliver made sure Felicity know, that she would walk again...
Small, Medium and Large Scale Maps in Coastal Studies. What Happened to Arno's Mouth between the XIVth and the XIXth Century? 来自 e-perimetron.org 喜欢 0 阅读量: 27 作者: M Piccardi 摘要: Summary: An ever growing number of experts and specialists in modern territorial evolution use ...
I reached for my salt pills that I use for mymigrainesas do all members in mymigraine groupon Facebook and handed her one. I really should have photographed what happened but I did not think the effect was going to be so fast and so big. Less than 15 minutes after she took the salt...
No matter what you may buy, you might think those products were made in those countries. The Difficult Search for American produ 16、cts in the US2021/3/1424However, you could be wrong. Kang Jian is a 17-year-old student from Shanghai. Last year he went to visit his aunt and uncle...
It was George Boole in his 1854 classic “The Laws of Thought” where, in the Appendix, he introduced and dealt with a class of inequalities which, when later extended mathematically, ended up by containing the Bell inequalities as well, and the respective extensions happened before and/or ind...
1424 Words 6 Pages Good Essays Read More Burger King Case Analysis BURGERKINGVIEWPOINT This case was analyzed from the point of view ofBurgerKing’s Marketing Manager. TIME CONTEXT The case happened in September of the 2010. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM • How to minimize the negative ...
Besides the most common meaning“worry,”it can also signify“sadness”and“sorrow,”in relation to mournful events that happened in thepast. This is particularly the case for the practice“filial mourning,”oryou憂,where a man is expected to resign from his official position for a period of...
I expect you've seen someone put a lighted match to a bit of newspaperwhich is propped up in a grate against an unlit fire. And for a second nothingseems to have happened; and then you notice a tiny streak of flame creepingalong the edge of the newspaper. It was like that now. For...
If (𝑖,𝑗)(i,j) denote 4 incompatible settings in Bell Tests, using Bayes Theorem, we demonstrate that 𝑝(𝑖,𝑗|𝜆)=1p(i,j|λ)=1, what only means: if a ‘hidden event’ {(𝜆1,𝜆2,𝜆𝑖,𝜆𝑗)}{(λ1,λ2,λi,λj)}‘happened’, then the settings (𝑖,...