Andrea Shea
What happened during the Watergate Scandal? What was the Goliad massacre? What was the Turkey massacre? What is a brief history of Quebec? What caused Operation Torch? What was the Pottawatomie Creek Massacre? What are the facts of the Amistad case?
What was the domino theory during the Cold War? What conditions helped to bring about the Russian Revolution? What happened during the Watergate Scandal? What caused the Manchurian Incident? What happened to Chernobyl's victims? What were the social and economic causes of Russian Revolution?
During the spring and the summer, the initiative in exploring the Watergate maze began to pass from the news media to official bodies. The role of the reporters covering the story gradually became less investigative and was devoted more to keeping developments in order and in perspective. The ...
Furthermore, the political landscape saw a shift with the election of a new president who brought a refreshing presence free from the shadow of Watergate. However, 1976 was not solely defined by these positive changes. Unrest and injustice still remained prevalent across the globe, serving as ...
During the Watergate investigation, Sen. Howard Baker (R- TN) famously asked the question about President Richard Nixon. The resultant scandal caused Nixon to resign the presidency on August 8, 1974. We can ask the same question of the biblical god about everything. Religious fundamentalists hav...
THE UPSHOT:Gonzalez, an anti-Fidel Castro activist, insisted during his trial that he had been told the Watergate operation would advance Cuban liberation. “I keep feeling about my country and the way people suffer over there,” GonzaleztoldJudge John Sirica. “That is the only reason I did...
What Happened On October 27, including Today's Trivia, Birthdays, Events, plus daily puzzles and daily quotes
Parties that contained so many different places and ideologies could not act in lock step, and so bipartisanship was common. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was pushed by a Democratic president, but congressional Republicans were crucial to its passage. When Watergate began coming to light, Congress...