What was the Munich Putsch? What did Catholic Emancipation do? What was quicklime used for in the Holocaust? What was the Catholic Church's view on the Scientific Revolution? What is the Darfur genocide? What did survivors do to survive the Holocaust?
What happened in the Holocaust in 1933? What is German unification? What caused the problems in Germany prior to the Holocaust? What caused the Holocaust? What did the October Manifesto do? What was Sobibor concentration camp? What was the Munich Pact ...
What was the Munich Pact Germany: One of Hitler's main goals when he took control of Germany was to bring Germany back to the dominate global power it had been before World War I. He began with breaking the Treaty of Versailles, which had limited German borders. Hitler felt that the exp...
What were gas chambers during the Holocaust? What were the death marches during the Holocaust? What were death marches during the Holocaust? What was the Jewish resistance during the Holocaust? What happened to the Jews during the Holocaust?