A climate of fire: a year on from the devastating Black Saturday bushfires, what are the lessons learned? And is anyone listening?Smitz, Paul
aIn this paper, we analyse the intersection between six academic theories about ‘catastrophic failure’ and journalistic reportage about disasters. What can these theories tell us about Black Saturday and possible causal and risk factors for the bushfires? How well are these theories understood by ...
France warns people off Black Friday clothes deals – BBC News World facing ‘hellish’ 3C of climate heating, UN warns before Cop28 | Climate crisis | The Guardian WA firefighters on edge as severe weather warning forecasts gusty winds for bushfire zone – ABC News Heavie...
2020 in Seattle, Washington. Earlier in the evening, a suspect drove into the crowd of protesters and shot one person, which happened after a day of peaceful protests across the city. Later, police and protesters clashed violently. (Photo by David Ryder/Getty ...
Beatson R, McLennan J (2011) What applied social psychology theories might contribute to community bushfire safety research after Victoria's `Black Saturday'. Australian Psychologist 46, 171-182. doi:10.1111/ J.1742-9544.2011.00041.XBeatson, R. and McLennan, J. (2011). What Applied Social ...