How did the story Antigone end? What happened to Eteocles at the end of Antigone? What happened to Oedipus in Antigone? How does Antigone die in burial at Thebes? How is Antigone sentenced to die? What does Antigone say about death?
What happens to the old lady in ''The Canterbury Tales''? What happens to Ismene at the end of "Antigone"? In The Handmaid's Tale, what is gender treachery? What can't handmaids do in The Handmaid's Tale? What are the rebels in The Handmaid's Tale called?
At some point in our lives, we discovered what pain was and started to repress that feeling. Most likely this happened as a child, sometime when growing up. Then we begin to tell ourselves the story that it’s not okay for anyone to know our struggles and battles, that we have to be...
Anti-climaxes get a bad rap, and perhaps unfairly so. The term is almost always used to complain about a disappointing ending that isn’t as satisfying or exciting as the reader hoped. If your story is called ‘Showdown at the Fireworks Factory’ and doesn’t end with a fight amongst ...
Where they end up:Gatsby refuses to give up hope, but a convoluted case of mistaken identity (and the spite of Daisy’s husband) leads to Gatsby’s lonely death at the hands of a man he’s never met. Macbeth (from Shakespeare’sMacbeth) ...
I went after him into a low unlit passage, at the back of which a ladder-like staircase rose into obscurity. On our right a line of light marked the door of the room which had sent its ray across the night; and behind the door I heard a woman's voice droning querulously. From ...
The story is actually based on a real plane crash that happened in the ‘50s. It’s Air India Flight 245. Podcast listeners will know that the plot makes me think a little bit of Visible Empire, which is based on another French plane crash actually. In this book, a plane crashes on ...
What happens between Laura and Petrarch in the end? What happened to John Wayne in Infinite Jest? What happens to Nathan Price in The Poisonwood Bible? What happens to Vronsky at the end of Anna Karenina? What happens to Justin at the end of Madame Bovary?
What happens to Creon at the end of "Antigone"? What are the major characteristics of the hero as represented by Gawain in Sir Gawain And The Green Knight? What happens at the end of Henry V? What happened to Fernand in The Count of Monte Cristo?
What happened when Creon confronted Antigone? What happened in Inverness in Macbeth? What happened at the Battle of Actium in The Aeneid? What happened in book 9 of The Odyssey? What happened to Dido in the Aeneid? What happened to Elizabeth Proctor in The Crucible?