What happened to Pontius Pilate after Jesus was crucified? According to some traditions, the Roman emperor Caligula ordered Pontius Pilate to death by execution or suicide. By other accounts, Pontius Pilate was sent into exile and committed suicide of his own accord. Some traditions assert that af...
After Jesus had finishedpraying for us, he went to a garden with his disciples. This was agardenJesus frequented, and Judas knew he’d be there. Judas brought soldiers with torches, lanterns, and weapons to arrest Jesus. Jesus knew exactly why there were there and what they were going to...
Jesus carried the crossbar, also called a patibulum, from the flogging area inside the city to the crucifixion area outside the city walls. The upright part of the cross was permanently mounted in the crucifixion area, and the part that Jesus carried weighed 75 to 125 pounds. The crucifixio...
A part of mewantsto feel unworthy because that is what I’ve developed a habit of feeling since childhood(e.g., “You’re a sinner,”“It’s your fault Jesus was crucified,” etc.), and therefore, that is what I secretly feel comfortable with feeling:unworthy. So my mind nit-picks...
After he was nailed to the cross, he was given a crown of thorns and the title as “King of the Jews.” The cross was placed between two other men who were being crucified that day. The soldiers nailed Jesus to the cross and left Him to die. They put a sign on the cross to ...
What happened to the cross Jesus was crucified on? Jesus was executed in Jerusalem. Early reports suggest that the cross was then broken up and dispersed to major centers of Christianity. What direction was Jesus facing on the cross?
Religion, for its part, located the important events at distant points in time: in the age of myths and heroes or in the year 33 AD when Jesus was crucified. The events of our own days would be seen as mere ripples and minor accidents in the immense fabric of theological time. There ...
What happened to Jesus's disciples? What do the Gnostic Gospels teach? What year was Jesus crucified? Who is Zechariah in the New Testament? What is the Gnostic Bible? Who is Esau in the Bible? Who is Zechariah in the Old Testament?
How was Krishna born? What happens after moksha? Who is Krishna? Who is Lord Krishna's wife? Where was Lord Krishna born? Was Krishna crucified? Why is Krishna important? Who came first: Krishna or Jesus? What is Dharma according to Krishna?
Have you ever wondered what happened to Jesus’ cross? Known as “the True Cross,” for hundreds of years this highly-venerated relic was thought to be lost. Anti-Christian Romans sought to dispel any effort to spread the Good News; that included destroying objects from Jesus’s crucifixion....