设置 自动播放下一个 (The Just Shall Live By Faith) 快捷方式 自动恢复 总是问 始终恢复 总是重新开始 What Happened When Jesus Died? What about the dead saints that arose from the graves? 系列 The Just Shall Live By Faith 书签 推动 下载 分享 扬声器 Stephen A. Chronister 跟随 广播员 ...
What happened to Pharaoh after Moses left? What happens when you die in Roman mythology? Why did Krishna have so many wives? Where does The Bhagavad Gita take place? What happens after death in Egyptian mythology? What is the history of Hinduism?
i had older brothers i had three lives i half laugh i hanged herself from i happened to see the i hate china i hate cooking i hate games i hate he i hate lions i hate my friends i hate my roommates i hate my voice i hate technology i hate the fashion in i hate those i hate ...
They that have done good under the resurrection.' The only hope of life after death in your Bible is the resurrection of the dead after they die. And Jesus, they're speaking the resurrection, the resurrection of life. And they that have done evil under the resurrection of judgment, now ...
“They acted like a religion,” says Zeller. “They had beliefs and practices, rituals and prayers, they talked about the meaning of life, the end of the world, and what happened after death. They looked like a religion, but like some other religions, they had teachings which I would no...
Praised by Jews, Freemasons and non-Catholics after his death… John XXIII was a manifest heretic and could not have been a valid pope, according to Catholic teaching. The stunning parallels between Antipope John XXIII of the Great Western Schism (Baldassare Cosa) and Antipope John XXIII of ...
hands and feet, with a crown of thorns affixed to His head. The Romans offered Jesus vinegar wine and mocked him while on the cross, while His followers cried and lamented his death. We also know that the soldiers stabbed Him multiple times after He had died to guarantee He'd passed ...
The New Testament, originally written in Greek, is about the life, teachings and deeds of Jesus Christ. The King James Bible was completed in 1611 after seven years’ arduous work of 47 of the best scholars in the kingdom. 圣经由两部分组成:旧约全书和新约全书。”圣约”的意思是上帝和希伯来...
women being used as sacrifices to protect fellow believers who happened to be men (The guy who threw his wife and daughter to the crowd and told them to rape them to death rather than chasing the believer they were after, for example - sorry, can't remember his name), Lot did it, ...
Jesus tells us that repentance restores what was lost back into fellowship with the owner. Similarly, when we turn our backs on God and chase after the things of this world, we are like that lost sheep, or that lost coin, or that lost son. And God desperately wants us to come back ...