This doesn’t happen when youvape either. So, you can enjoy your favorite treats and smell once again while vaping. 5. No More Anti-Social Smoking Smoking cigarettes was previously considered a social activity. That’s no longer the case. Now, smokers have to go outdoors to smoke even whe...
To those whose vaping knowledge is based solely on alarming news stories, e-cigarette thermal events like fires and explosions may seem like common occurrences, but they are actually very rare. They happen when a battery overheats and the chemicals and gasses escape the battery rapidly. Most peo...
Short circuits happen when there’s a break in the circuit or the atomizer is faulty. Regularly inspect your vape pen for any signs of damage, and make sure you’re using compatible components. Try not to over-tighten the parts, as this can lead to damage and short circuits. ...
5. Hiccups. As a new vaper you may find yourself swallowing some juice when you overfill cartridges, flood your atomizer, and then suck it in by mistake. Swallowing nicotine can trigger hiccups. You’ll learn how to avoid flooding theattywith practice. Now let’s talk about the nicotine s...
What Causes This to Happen? This condition is really caused by your olfactory senses (taste and smell) but different things may contribute to it. Dehydration, smoking, dry mouth, illness, and blocked sinuses can contribute to it. Smell is connected to our ability to distinguish flavors and tas...
Voice strain puts you at risk for laryngitis. This may happen if you use your voice more than usual, such as singing along at a concert or cheering at a football game. Infants and children can get laryngitis from constant crying or changing their voices, perhaps to mimic animals or cartoon...
Your provider will tell you which activities are safe for you to do during pregnancy. Your provider will help you create a safe physical activity plan. Help prevent diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). This is a serious condition that can happen when your blood sugar level gets too high. Pregnancy ...
This is an archived article and the information in the article may be outdated. Please look at the time stamp on the story to see when it was last updated. DENVER (KDVR) — If you don’t want to wear a mask while flying, you face being fined thousands of dollars.Masks are required ...
A cannabis vape pen works by heating the marijuana product to the point that it turns into a vapor that can be inhaled. But how does that actually happen? Well, there are two ways that a vape pen heats its contents: Conduction: With a conduction vape pen, the cannabis oil is heated be...
Quitting nicotine doesn't happen overnight, but with perseverance, freedom from nicotine addiction is doable and will pay you back with benefits that go well beyond what you can probably imagine. If you or a loved one are struggling with substance use or addiction, contact theSubstance Abuse an...