PSAT 8/9:The PSAT 8/9 is offered to 8th and 9th graders, giving them an opportunity early in their academic careers to prepare for the standardized tests they’ll encounter in the future. There is no fixed date for the PSAT 8/9, as the test is available to take from the fall throug...
ThePSAT 8/9is designated for students in the eighth and ninth grades and the PSAT 10 is for sophomores. The PSAT/NMSQT stands for the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test, which students take as a sophomore or junior. High enough marks on the PSAT/NMSQT as a junior can help a stude...
Prior to the acceptance of ACT instead of SAT in US colleges or universities, students were required to take the PSAT each year before taking the actual exam for college admission. The PSAT allowed students to gain familiarity with the college entrance test by practicing each year and showing ...
Additionally, the PSAT (often taken in your junior year) can qualify you forthe National Merit Scholarship Program, giving you even more reasons to take standardized testing seriously. Next steps Now that you understand what’s considered a good SAT score and how it fits into your college journ...
“What I want students to be doing in grades nine through 12 is not just challenging themselves,” but also “taking advantage of the opportunities that they have,” says Michelle Whittingham, associate vice chancellor for enrollment management at theUniversity of California—Santa Cruz. “I don’...
grades 9 through 12, but in some cases, eighth-graders or students out of high school may take the exam. Regents are only mandatory for attendees of New York State public school students; they are not required of students attending private school, although many private schools also use the ...
Anyone who has applied to college remembers the SATs, and some even took a PSAT during secondary school. Postgraduate admissions are often heavily reliant on standardized test results. Students hoping to attend medical school must take the MCATs. Students applying to law school take the LSAT. ...
In grades 6 and 7, reading and math are tested. In grade 8, tests are given in math/algebra, reading, science, social studies, and English. Some students with exceptional academic ability can take high school algebra classes starting in grades 7 and 8. These students have to take the STA...
grades 3 through 10.Benchmark scores are what you need to reach to be considered "on track",a low score is below average, and a high score is above average. You can use this chart to figure out how well you/your child is scoring on the Aspire or to set goal scores for the next ...
How to engage with students in different grades with different perspectives. Open ended learning in an environment that promotes mistakes for the sake of progress. How to take intellectual risks by asking questions. Experiential learning with peers. ...