Doing What Matters is Janice Campbell's blog about the journey toward wisdom through reading, writing, learning, planning, and creativity.
What I discovered is that one of the reasons I love John Connolly’s writing is that it’s’ intelligent, and I always learn something I didn’t know before. I love smart. Night & Day is an anthology of fiction. Well, half of it is. In the first half of the book, there are ...
Elementary students perfect their handwriting and typing skills, andmay learn cursive handwriting as well. They use those skills to begin writing short essays and creative works like short stories and poems. Kids at this age begin practicing public speaking by giving oral book reports or presentation...
The circuitry is printed onto the semiconductor surface. Print (ambitransitive) To write very clearly, especially, to write without connecting the letters as in cursive. Print your name here and sign below. I'm only in grade 2, so I only know how to print. Print (ambitransitive) To publi...
I grew up in California, and cursive writing was sufficiently taught to us in 2nd or 3rd grade. Many other states still do this as well, so it's not like kids don't learn how to write in cursive. The problem, I think, is the attitude students have towards learning it. I, being ...
My daughter recently reviewed the various academic programs available at the Hill Country elementary school which Wee Jamie will eventually attend, when she makes her pile in real estate and moves up to that community. Among the skills on offer is training in writing cursive – which we were bo...
When to test, if there is a thought of an issues the earlier the better, somewhere in the kindergarten to 2nd grade (US) range. Younger daughter got help startiung in 3rd grade and by early high school was confident and effective. Elder daughter got picked up at the same time but was...
Due to the prevalence of word processing, the relevance of printed and cursive penmanship is sometimes open to debate. Some people argue that learning this skill is less important that in the past, although others maintain that block letters have a definite purpose in specific areas such as typo...