what goes into making a work of art?直接看表面上的意思是说“一件艺术品的成功是怎样达成的?”,但是翻译很注意前言后语,不能断章取义。
Have you ever thought about what goes into making a cartoon?Or maybe there is a famous cartoon from another country you like to watch in Chinese?But how do you change the language to Chinese?This is something called dubbing(配音).To dub means adding sounds or words in a new language to...
Someone who goes somewhere very early. Asp early in the morning. To arrive where you have arranged to meet somebody or do something. Activity of buying or selling goods within a country or between countries. Chance to do something. Before you watch the video? If so, does read these questio...
Cars certainly aren’t cheap—the average cost of a new one is just under $50,000, and used cars are going for an average of almost $29,000. Buying a car might be necessary, but buying a new car is almost always a bad financial decision—even if you find ways to sweeten the deal...
IV.综合填空an control what goes into the foo d you eat.形式。阅读下面短文在空白处填入1个适当的单调或括号内单的he Poldi the little owl seeme d to think that he was the bodyguar d for a Belgian Ma Bname d Ingo. However, the dog was over 150 _1 _(time) the owl's size!The owl...
These could include washing a car or taking the dog for a walk. 2 In this way, you can also improve your communication skills, which will help when you have a grown-up job, too. Help your money grow. Money can’t grow if it’s sitting inside a piggy bank. Put your money in ...
Daysbeforethefestival,cardandgiftcompanieslaunchalargecampaign(活动)toattract peopleintobuyingcardsandgiftsfortheirfriends.Streetsandstoresarefilledwithadvertising programsaimedatyoungpeople. 2 Thismarketingstrategy(策略)hasbeenseverelycriticized (批判)bymanypeople.Manyfeelthatsuchcrazycommercializationhasdamagedthemeani...
Mr、Brown lives in a village、He has got a big family and a strong 1 、His farm is small and he is often 2 in winter、So he goes to the city and finds work there、 ﻫ Once he stayed there for about two months、When New Year was ing,he 3 home to see his wife and children、...
Buying Cryptocurrency and a Car Imagine you bought one Bitcoin (BTC) for about $3,700 in early 2019. In late February 2022, 1 BTC was worth $38,500, which you could have used to buy a car. There are tax implications for both you and the auto seller in this transaction: ...
or service. Some companies are transparent about excise taxes, though, like fuel companies. Next time you go to fill up your gas tank, take a look at the pump. The company may break down how much of the price at the pump goes toward the fuel itself versus how much you pay in taxes...