What Your Tongue Says About Your Health Medically Reviewed by Jabeen Begum, MD on March 10, 2024 Written by Paul Frysh 1/12 What’s on My Tongue? Bumps, patches, and spots in your mouth can be harmless. But sometimes, they can give clues to what’s going on with your overall health...
Your Skin: A Window to Your Health Your skin can be a window to your underlying health, says Wake Forest University's Joseph Jorizzo, MD, one of the experts who literally wrote the book on skin signs of internal disease. Many underlying health conditions -- some very serious -- first ap...
What God says about Restoration of BiafradenkerIshola TaiwoLoveNigeriaDeepThoughtExxcuzmeUnregistreLuckyBoy
He became angry. “And Jesus went into the temple of God and cast out all that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers and the seats of them that sold doves.” I don’t know about you, but He sounds angry ...
The next thing about this is the fact that Adam was a full grown man, (presumably laying on the ground) when the LORD breathed on him. The next thing to note about this event is that when Adam became a living soul, he was spiritually alive as well, in fellowship with God. 'When Ad...
In the health community, a lot of importance is placed upon waist size. It is proven that a disproportionate waist-to-hip ratio indicates obesity and is an appropriate indicator that someone is carrying an unhealthy amount of belly fat. However, there may be more concerns associated with a ...
The repetition of the command to refrain from tears reinforces God's intention to bring hope and healing. In the ancient Near Eastern culture, tears were often associated with mourning rituals. Here, God is signaling a shift from mourning to anticipation of joy, indicating a change in ...
If you want God’s love to do its miraculous work, you must become totally immersed in it. You must practice God’s presence every day, all day long. Only then will your heart and mind be continuously exposed to the healing power of his love. ...
Asking how dog people and cat people differ is really just asking a simple question about a complicated issue. For one thing, in doing so, “we are treating cats and dogs as if somehow they’re equivalent,” say...
No, friend, prayer is what God told us to do. That's right. But Brother Osborn, healing lays in Calvary, doesn't it? Brother Tommy Osborn here in the audience with us tonight who's been one of the most successful men on the field. I don't say it to him standing here, you know...