by John FlavelGod is a SpiritQuest. 4. WHAT is God? A. God is a Spirit, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable in his being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice,
The Scriptures illustrate this harmony in the battle of Gibeon, when the Hebrews fought against a confederacy of Canaanite tribes in order to defend another Canaanite tribe. The Gibeonites, terrified of the Hebrews and knowing what God did for them in Egypt and against other Canaanite king...
TheWORDSof Men are AccurateGAGUESof theirHEARTS;if you have a TransformedHeart and Jesus Christ has come into your life and transformed your heart, then you will Speak Words by which God willJUSTIFYyou. If Christ has Never Changed your Heart, then you will speak Words by which God will Con...
God Does Not hate homosexuals! He loves all people equally and provides the same opportunities for eternal life and happiness for all! It's wrong behavior (sin) He hates! There are many scriptures that say homosexual behavior is a sin. ...
I’m not sure if this is true since it (thank God) has never happned to me (and I hope it never will). It may be just some spammers who are upset they got banned. But still, there are way too many stories out there about this. So I would suggest a way to find out the IP...
reap the consequences of your sins. So, I guess God has emotions. If God can feel angry, God can feel sadness, etc. I understand tough times may build character, but God hates unnecessary challenges we may face because we live in a broken world.God can’t stand when you are in pain...
* This is basically the slogan of God concerning the treatment of the poor, needy, orphans, widows, fatherless, travelers, wander! * You are your brother’s keeper, guardian, helper according to the blessed words of wisdom of the Holy Scriptures!
and there are very few exceptions where divorce is allowed in Scripture. God created marriage and intended it to be good for us. When sin entered, so did the breaking of relationships. Divorce has become common today, even among Christians. Let's take a look at the scriptures that talk ab...
Earth was destroyed in the day of Noah because "the earth was filled with violence" (Gen 6:11ff). God hates violence. There is a narrow scope in which it is applied righteously, but it is only because of sin that such skill is necessary. ...
Conclusion: God hates particular magic for particular reasons In all these Scriptures we see clear characteristics of the kind of magic that God does hate: God condemns divination. Therefore God’s people must trust him alone and reject idolatrous and unbiblical attempts to discern the future and...