Summary: With the increased knowledge gained by scientists over the past 10 years, we can better clean and protect ourselves against molds. They posr many problems for both the substrates on which they grow as well as for the people that are exposed to them. When molds appear, take action...
Mold is a natural part of our ecosystem. But when household mold growth gets out of hand it can affect the health of both the home and your family. However, every individual is different and some are more susceptible to the negative effects. ...
Mildew is one of the most common types of mold, and you will find it on damp surfaces like on walls and in showers, among a variety of other places. Mildew looks like tiny black spots, and you can get rid of it easily with a mold-killer and a cleaning brush. So the main differenc...
Mildew, another type of fungi, is the lesser of two evils. Many people cannot tell the difference between mold and mildew, but we are here to help! While mold and mildew have many similarities, including the environment in which each can grow and thrive, there are plenty of differences tha...
Mold and mildew are natural byproducts of summer. That doesn't mean that you want to share your house with the spores, however. Rather than turning to harsh chemicals, such as bleach or borax, to banish mold, there are eco-friendly, natural ways to kill mold at home that won't hurt ...
Mold and mildew tend to develop in areas that have high moisture. These growths can be challenging to get rid of. To make matters worse, they can harm the health of your home’s residents. Even short-term exposure to mold and mildew can cause problems such as: ...
stains, mold and mildew. You can use it to get rid of insects inside and outside of the home. You can also make homemade laundry detergents and household cleaners, and it is used in commercial products to whiten clothes or get rid of dirt. Also, it is used to get rid of strong ...
If you have found mold in your home, you are most likely wondering how much you can expect to pay to get rid of it. Mold issues in houses and buildings are a problematic issue for property owners. Of course, mold is a serious condition and must be remedi
Mildew mistakes: this article discusses how to recognize building mold and how to know that indoors, it's not mildew. We include photographs of a variety of white and green mold growths on clothing, leather, artworks, baskets and building surfaces - all examples of light colored molds that ...
The Dry Mode feature and adehumidifierperform the same function. They both dry the air to make it less humid and clammy, and both reduce the risk of mold and mildew growth in your home. While a dehumidifier is an extra expense, using a dehumidifier can cost you less money month to month...