They’re said to be the birthplace of Hitler, but never came around to being fully apologetic about the Holocaust (unlike Germany). Neutral feelings from most ofWestern Europe, negative feelings from Germans (who consider them backwards, and not always the representing the best image of German-...
How did Hitler gain power in Germany? What did Germans think about the Treaty of Versailles? How did Hitler solve Germany's economic problems? How did the U.S. Senate vote on the Treaty of Versailles? Describe the events in Europe leading to the rise of Hitler and the beginning of Wor...
Hitler calmly but firmly responds: Although committed to keeping the peace, he cannot ignore the legitimacy of the Sudeten Germans’ demands. In any case it is the Czech government, not his own, that has mobilized for war. Horrified, British prime minister Neville Chamberlain ponders his nation...
Hitler is always present before my eyes: as a man of peace in 1936, as a man of war in 1944. It is not possible to have been a personal witness to the life of such an extraordinary man without being marked by it forever. Not a day goes by but Hitler rises again in my ...
It's also been theorized that Hitler and a number of his SS men escaped to the secret fortress in Antarctica called Base 221. The Germans claimed they created the base in 1938 when a Nazi expedition discovered a huge underground cave where they made contact with aliens or unearthed alien tec...
Hitler, himself, had always opposed the targeting of civilian populations, even long before the war. Moreover, this was a deliberate policy of subverting Hitler’s attempts to make peace by instigating hatred of the Germans in England. Irving provides some details of Hitler’s peace initiatives ...
In 1940 he became the Prime Minster of England.France fell. The Germans fought their way through Western Europe. It looked as if Britain was about to lose the war. Was it not possible to ask for peace, and listen to Hitler?Churchill spoke, "I have nothing to offer but blo...
which is why some of the military commanders of Germany tried to get rid of him. As far as I know, nobody tried to kill Stalin during World War II, but there were stories of ill-prepared attacks on the Germans that were done in honor of Stalin’s birthday. So you have thousands dea...
Hope said, that year, when Hitler invaded his home in Ukraine, people actually celebrated and cheered. They thought the Germans were freeing them of Stalin and the famine that had plagued them for nearly a decade. Nick Hope at age 17 in UkraineHope family photo ...