Roxy Music—I’ve tried so many times to understand their appeal, and I’ve now stopped trying. Post-Short People Randy Newman—When your early stuff is so great, there will always be an inevitable drop off. But that does not explain the self-parody of Newman’s LA years. Artist Album...
race, and physical appearance is very much a major part of the money machine of the music execs. The Country Music industry is probably much more pronounced in this unwillingness to see their songwriters and artists as anything else other than products that they can sell, remaining very white,...
Or the whole genre of grindcore, predicated on the principle of compressing what could conceivably be a six-minute song if it were performed by, say, Suffocation, into a denser-than-Iridium thirty seconds? OK, these are valid points, but not the right points. Metal over-the-topness is ...
What Is Pink?Ned RoremSing a New Song
Charli XCX‘s music video performance ofYou’re The Oneis obviously a love song from the perspective of a woman finally realizing she’s found “the one” (i.e., the love of her life). But I would like to indulge your creativity to interpret the lyrics (reflected below) a bit differe...
Shoegaze ended up a genre with so many imitators it was chastised by vast sections of the music press, and often used as an insult stickered to pretty much anything similar enough that it didn’t like. But a minor resurgence in recent years has given us all reason, if needed, to revis...
Analysis Of The Song ' Play It Again ' Luke Bryan who started his singing career at age fourteen chooses specific words to indicate the time period and makes it clear to identify the genre in his popular song “Play It Again” released in 2013. The repletion but also his way of saying ...
Because when you drill down a little deeper and look a little more closely into any large genre of music like rock, or even if you were to look more closely at one single band's music, you'll find that all rock music does n...
It gets trickier when prog rock is brought into the equation. The impetus to “progress” was inherent in the description, yet there was something about the genre’s emphasis on grandstanding virtuosity which, ironically, often seemed too traditional and eager-to-please to qualify as “progressive...
In classic TikTok fashion, the genre has taken a comedic turn, and a spoof trend is now stealing the show. Creators are recreating the videos, but instead of discovering their college fate, they’re pretending to check the results for something absurd or lighthearted. For example, a family ...