Ibanez Steve Vai JEM77FP2 Signature Guitar - See the best prices from $3,632.84, discover how 2 pro artists use it.
Genre Affinity 1 rock 11 2 metal 10 3 djent 4 4 alternative metal 4 5 alternative rock 3 6 hard rock 3 7 pop rock 2 8 progressive rock 2 9 melodic metalcore 2 10 rap metal 2 11 industrial 2 12 nu metal 2 Community setups Show yours howhows Gear IQ 138 4...
If a guitarist with the technical ability of Steve Vai is struggling, you know the material is demanding. A case in point isYou Are What You Is’ only real foray into jazz-fusion improvisation, “Theme From The 3rd Movement Of Sinister Footwear.” To get the exact solo that he was after...
By all accounts, Warrant’s ‘Dirty Rotten Filthy Stinking Rich’ is a more formidable effort than its successor, even if it doesn’t have an genre-defining (non ballad) hit. “Sometimes She Cries” and “Heaven” are the two ballads that were certainly of no detriment to the band’s s...
In Guitar player, August 2006, Steve Vai comments about soloing with Frank Zappa during "Stevie's spanking": "When you are improvising with another musician, you get to enter a private place with that person and share an intimacy that you don't have in any other kind of relationship. For...
Former Sepultura stickman Igor Cavalera is one of the most influential metal drummers of his era. Contributing genre-defining performances on masterful records like ‘Beneath the Remains’ and ‘Arise,’ his sense of groove and homeland tribal ties helped pave the way for the nu-metal wave...
My favorite genre would probably be Black Metal. Currently Listening to Invocation of the Continual One by Morbid Angel . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDm6UYTIU5 Reactions: Deleted member 2731765 D Deleted member 2731765 Guest May 10, 2020 #920 Even I like MOR...
By all accounts, Warrant’s ‘Dirty Rotten Filthy Stinking Rich’ is a more formidable effort than its successor, even if it doesn’t have an genre-defining (non ballad) hit. “Sometimes She Cries” and “Heaven” are the two ballads that were certainly of no detriment to the band’s ...
Music is an experience, genre does not matter. If an artist can make me feel true emotion, or make the hair on my arms prickle with energy and excitement, I'm in. Not an audiophile, but very picky on the quality of sound. All of my equipment would be considered...
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