“Biopic” is a nickname for the genre “biographical picture,” a type of film or TV series that brings a dramatized version of a real person’s life story to the screen. Filmmakers typically choose to make biopics about notable figures throughout history — namely celebrities, athletes, pol...
Perhaps the most under-appreciated fact aboutLoretta Lynnis that she started a country music career and became the dominant female artist in the genre while raising six kids. The oldest was 12 when she started to gain fame, but in the late '60s and early '70s, Lynn had several children u...
When the country of Qin is invaded by neighboring Cho, the legendary General Ohki rises to confront its armies in this action-packed historical epic. Rating:TV-MA Language:Japanese Genre:Action, Drama, History Director:Shinsuke Sato Cast:Yûko Araki, Kanna Hashimoto, Yusuke Hirayama ...
I'm talking about the acceleration of Jelly Roll to the top of the country music genre! Everyone is talking about this genre-bending artist who has had much success already in rap, rock and now country.I had the chance to sit down and speak to Jelly Roll one-on-one right before his ...
a song clearly born out of "Save a Horse" sensibilities. Aldean's first radio single was a bit more traditional than the country duo's genre-bending form of music, and as a result he'd enjoy more immediate, long-lasting success. While not his best song, "Hicktown" is the one that ...
While a memoir is a flexible genre, it should include these things: A specific theme Something the author overcame First-person writing style Supporting details and events from the past and the people who were present Storytelling basics like plot and setting ...
A marked distaste for any kind of genre “crossover” That 1979-1985 was a bad era for music in general, particularly for artists who sought to “update” the sound that made them famous for the mirage of “New Wave” (in some cases, my reaction to these records was so violent that ...
Hank Williams Jr., born Randall Hank Williams, is a country music star with deep roots in the genre. As the son of country legend Hank Williams, he grew up surrounded by music. He started his career young, singing his father’s songs and even making duet albums with him in the mid-19...
The soundtrack is stuffed with the era's biggest hits like "Every Rose Has Its Thorn," "Don't Stop Believin' " and "I Want to KnowWhat Love Is," but the toe-tapping tunes aren't the only throwbacks to the decade of decadence. Pay close attention and you'll spot a number of '...
Nov. 17, 2024 •Johnny Cash tribute band The Men In Blackis coming to the Chilliwack Cultural Centre on Sunday, Nov. 17 at 2 p.m. Tickets $47.50 and available at the cultural centre, online at chilliwackculturalcentre.ca or by calling 604-391-SHOW (7469). ...