Accordingtohercolleague,ZhouChengyuwasverysurprisedwhenshefoundoutshewent viralonline.Shesaidthatshewashappywhenshesawpeopleonlineregardingherastheprideof thecountry,andyetshekeptsayingthatshewas“nobodybutanormalworkeratalaunchsite” andtherearealotmorepeoplejustlikehergoingunnoticed whiledoingthehardestjobto guar...
lackedoxygenlongenoughthathewasn?tbreathing.Hewasplacedonhisside,andanadulthit himhardontheback.Itwasonlywhen Madison heardhimcrythatsheknewhewasallright.It tookMadisonlongertorecoverthantheboy,who wastakentohospitalandlefthospitalthatsame night.She,however,experiencedmonthsofpainfultreatment,fortheinjurythat...
the Greatest Generation was named for the heroic sacrifice many made during World War II. Their children, born soon after the war ended, are called baby boomers; their outlook, in turn, was colored by the Vietnam War and the social upheavals of the 1960s. More recently, millennials’ worl...
If you were born in 1970, your generation was born between 1963/5 to 1975/7. I am very uncomfortable with putting blanket blame onto one generation also. Greed is common among every age group and wealth tends to be concentrated in families -- not generations. I am an early GenX (1965...
So if you are one of thc born in the 2000s, there’s reason to be hopeful about the future. Things are looking up for the face-down generation. 【小题1】Mary was born in 2006, is she a member of the “face-down generation”? 【小题2】What do adults worry about today’s youth...
Two cool tools I installed this week: Qik – was in the news for being preinstalled on the new Nokia... Date: 06/10/2009 Born to Learn Podcast: Certification Series We recorded an interview between me and a few MCTs on the value of Microsoft technical certification... Date: 05/29/2009...
I was born in 1995 in Belgium, and we Europeans don't use the generation classification terms that you Americans use. Same with how we don't use the ridiculous Imperial measuring system, consider the ground floor of a building to be "the 1st floor", or write our dates as month/day/yea...
5. A) To avoid being in the limelight. 6. C) It does not last long., 7. D) He was back in the news. 8. B) Alleviate the obesity problem. 听力篇章(第1套) 9. D) After winning the 1986 Woman's Own Short Stony...
I was born in Lowell, Massachusetts but describe myself as a product of Providence. I moved to Rhode Island, at the age of two with my parents and brother, and have been a product of my environment ever since. People always ask, “why Special Kay”? And I always reply because I’m...
In light of worldwide quarantines and mostly bad news from every source, I’m writing a story a day. Something short and something else to think about. Here on the blog I’m publishing them once a week. So here are the first 7… #1 Ebba My paternal grandmother was born in 1906, 11...