Sensors play a pivotal role in the internet of things (IoT). They make it possible to create an ecosystem for collecting and processing data about a specific environment so it can be monitored, managed and controlled more easily and efficiently. IoT sensors are used in homes, out in the fie...
To investigate the earthquake faults, we utilize the fault model proposed by Fujii & Satake4and calculate the crustal deformation using the method developed by Okada28(Fig.1b). In this fault model, the existence of 7 active faults in the northern part of the Noto Peninsula is assumed, and ...
Welcome to year four of everything I’m reading, watching and listening to in regard to the multiple planetary crises’ we face (the polycrisis), as well as articles on important social issues, because how societies function is fundamental if we want to have a stable e...
A short pulse of light is launched into the fiber used as a fiber optic sensor. The forward propagating light generates Brillouin backscattered light at two distinct wavelengths, from all points along the fiber. The wavelengths of the Brillouin backscattered light are different to that of the ...
earthquakesarecausedbyslippagealongafaultinEarth’scrust.Theenergyreleasedradiatesinall directionsfromitssource,calledthefocus,intheformofwaves.Thesewavesareanalogousto thoseproducedwhenastoneisdroppedintoacalmpond.Justastheimpactofthestonesets waterwavesinmotion,anearthquakegeneratesseismicwavesthatradiatethroughout...