Originally airing in the 1960s, "Speed Racer" is an anime adapted from Tatsuo Yoshida's Japanese manga by Tatsunoko Productions. It premiered on ABC in the United States and would become one of the earliest animes to become popular stateside. While the dubbing is a bit of a mess, with i...
ThreatManager算一个,ReaperService算一个,Absolution算半个,rDns算半个,再加上operational oncall duty,这个已经不是加不加油的问题,而是加不加铀的问题。 也许一年前加入了Windows Azure现在会过的更好,but you never know,另一个平行世界中的我现在如何,无法知道。重要的是,现在的工作很好,学到很多又有更多新...
“'the president has expressed to us that he is fully committed to cooperating with mr. hannity on all aspects of the russia issue,' said white house attorney ty cobb, adding that his client looks forward to speaking with the fox news anchor on the record and, furthermore, is not the...
From the venue’s founding, Kym Register has steered the Pinhook with a queer-friendly mandate—the space had gender-neutral bathrooms by 2012, well before the topic had become a point of mainstream conversation. The Pinhook is, in the best of times, more than a rock club, equally likely...
How is trashing a gender somehow less bad than trashing a race? Secondly, you leave no room for personal improvement or growth. Can’t a person make racist remarkes at one point in their life, be apologetic and then change for the better? Isn’t that what we’d want? Let’s say a...
Beyond the racism of orcs and the Easterlings, Middle-earth is home to extremely strict gender roles, which isn’t doing the story any favors. It doesn’t make the world feel more realistic, nor does it give us any kind of insight intoprejudice faced by women. Instead, all this sexism...
I was curious to see what science says about presidential fitness and gender, and I found a 1990 meta-analysis of differences in leadership styles between men and women. In that study, the strongest evidence and biggest differences between men’s and women’s leadership was a tendency for wome...
And speaking of “normal” or “typical,” morphology is of course often not that way even within a species, age class or gender. Pathology is a great example; by definition it is abnormal. It is a shattering of the “essence” of animals, brought on by some malady. Next I’ve highli...
Before leaving office, Gov. Andrew Cuomo pinpointed 117 ZIP codes where COVID was spreading at alarming rates and the vaccination rate is below the statewide average. The majority of the ZIP codes are in New York City. 71 ZIP codes, or 61 percent, are in New York City, primarily in th...
Before leaving office, Gov. Andrew Cuomo pinpointed 117 ZIP codes where COVID was spreading at alarming rates and the vaccination rate is below the statewide average. The majority of the ZIP codes are in New York City. 71 ZIP codes, or 61 percent, are in New York City, primarily in th...