What Do Russians Need and What They Havedoi:10.2139/ssrn.3444202Russian economySocioeconomic development depends on different social groups having access to the so called "development resources". Research conducted by our expertsSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
When I’ve talked to 30 year-old or younger Russian or Chinese people, they say that they prefer stability and a fatter wallet than all the "freedoms" that America and Europe celebrates. After all, they say, history shows that the freedoms will come in time — but first people need to ...
Well, there really isn’t one. There is a word for pleasant and a word for interesting, but there really isn’t a Russian word for fun. Now Russians do know how to have fun; for example, Russian parties are generally a lot more fun than the typical American party, but since they do...
He pointed out that although it is said that the ban on Russian citizens crossing the EU’s external borders will not have much of an impact, as most of them do not travel and do not even have passports, it is not this group of people that should be targeted here at ...
That said, a 'typical' symphony, particularly from the 18th and 19th centuries, would have four movements. We typically begin with anAllegro('lively') first movement, often insonata form(comprising an exposition of the theme; development of said theme; and a recapitulation of the thematic mater...
In what cases do Russians say this proverb and how did it appear in the Russian language? The old expression “Типунтебенаязык” ("Tipun tebe na yazyk" or literally "I wish you had a pimple on your tongue!") can be heard quite often, even today. The ‘Phraseolo...
We will not be intimidated or pushed off the world stage by people who do not like what we stand for, and that is, freedom, democracy and the fight against disease, poverty and terrorism. —Madeleine Albright 28 One of the greatest mental freedoms is truly not caring what anyone else thin...
Nationalist politicians have gained favor across parts of the world in recent years. Examples of nationalism in the 21st century are spread across the globe. In 2014, India elected Hindu nationalist Narendra Modi. In 2015, Vladimir Putin rallied Russians to invade Ukraine to "save" ethnic ...
The Russians are attacking in strength along four parallel axes in the northeast, “likely reflective of a wider operational objective and higher-level operational planning,” the Institute for the Study of War said. Russia’s longer-term goal with the coordinat...
I love the idea of personally using all four EU freedoms (free movement of people, capital, goods and services). And I am still sore I missed that magical time when the Berlin Wall fell and everyone had a massive party. I guess part of me was fascinated with the Cold War as a child...