Identify the term: Cells in the CNS that form myelin. Identify the neuroglial cell from its function: Forms the myelin sheath in the CNS What are the nodes of Ranvier in a neuron? Myelin sheaths on CNS neurons are formed by these "glia" cells A. microglia. B. Schwann. C. oligodendroc...
How about Re-polarization in muscle cells? What is the function of the myelin sheath in neurons? What does ACh (acetylcholine) do when talking about the CNS? How and where is it broken down? What happens if just one neuron dies in brain? What is the myelin sheath, and why does ...
What forms the myelin sheath in the spinal cord? What is the piriformis muscle? What is the psoas muscle? Which types of muscular tissue have gap junctions? What is musculoskeletal biomechanics? Which cervical vertebrae form the atlantoaxial joint?
The protective myelin covering of the nerve fibers in the central nervous system is damaged in people with multiple sclerosis. Myelin is a fatty material that forms a sheath around a nerve and permits electrical impulses to be conducted along the nerve fiber with speed and accuracy, much like t...
Commonly, the accumulated ceroid-lipopigments are autofluorescent and are positive for periodic acid–Schiff (PAS), which stains polysaccharides, glycoproteins and glycolipids, Luxol fast blue (LFB), which stains lipoproteins in the myelin sheath, Sudan black B, which stains neutral triglycerides and ...
In the past two decades, monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) have revolutionized the treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS). However, a remarkable number of mAbs fa
Identify the neuroglial cell from its function: Forms the myelin sheath in the CNS What is the basic functional unit of the nervous system? What is it specialized to do? Which nerve cells carry impulses from the brain to the muscles? A. Sensory. B. Motor. C. Afferent. D. Association ...
Fill in the blanks: A triad only present in skeletal muscle consists of T tubule and terminal cisternae. What composes a myelin sheath? What is another name for "striated" muscle tissue and "non-striated"? The power stroke that occurs during skeletal muscle contraction is due to which of ...
What neuroglia type forms the myelin sheath in the PNS? What is thymus vulgaris? What is the parietal bone? What is the function of the parietal pleura? What is proximal tubule? What is the oculomotor nerve? What do gap junctions do in the CNS?
Which cell(s) creates a myelin sheath around the axon of a sensory nerve? (a) Schwann cells (b) Alpha cell (c) Goblet cells (d) The axon forms the myelin sheath itself. What type of cells produce myelin for sensory neurons? (a) pyramidal neurons (b) glial cells (c) m...