Farts are the natural way the body handles this unneeded gas. But before this gas can be released, it hits the anal sphincter. "That's the last stop: the control center … that tells you when to release a fart," Stein explained. The external anal sphincter is the only part of the di...
they are a low level toxin. The purpose of lectins is to discourage other animals from eating that life form. By triggering a negative reaction in the predator, that life form is then viewed as an undesirable food source. Hence, aiding its future survival. ...
The short answer is thatyes, chickens fart. Just about any animal that has intestines is capable of farting, in fact. Chickens pass gas for the same reason that we do: They have pockets of air trapped inside their intestines. ... While chicken farts can certainly stink, the jury's still...
Let's face it, a lawnmower is annoying to everyone except the person who is having to mow their lawn. The rest of us can't stand the sound but the person cutting their grass moves around the yard like nothing is wrong. Say, how early is too early to mow your lawn anyway? Annoying...
Guestover a year ago And update on where i am, I have been having really bad cramps which i think was just from gas/bloating. I was farting all day yesterday, no smell to the farts just a ton of gas. The cramping has decreased phenomenally. ...
What Problems Might Smelly Farts Indicate? 1 Carbohydrate Malabsorption This condition mainly manifests itself in two forms: In its moderate form, it is referred to asgluten-intolerance; while in the severe form, it is known asCeliac Disease. It is characterized by vitamin deficiencies and severe...
This is the first podcast ive become a supporter of and the back catalog alone is worth it. Keep up the great work!daniel booth, tucson AZ Thanks, Brian, that was most illuminating.John Doherty, Study Room,somewhere in Ireland Hi, Brian, I just want to point out that I've been a fa...
What I wouldn't give for one of Phyllis's classic room clearing farts right now! Meanwhile, Dwight starts a gym, Darryl continues his season-long chartacter arc, and Kathy continues to... exist. Damn, who'd have thought that Jim Halpert was such a nimble little minx? Nothing motivates...
What I wouldn't give for one of Phyllis's classic room clearing farts right now! Meanwhile, Dwight starts a gym, Darryl continues his season-long chartacter arc, and Kathy continues to... exist. Damn, who'd have thought that Jim Halpert was such a nimble little minx? Nothing motivates...
Hey SkyDog, keep in mind that many of these forum members are car enthusiasts, and have high expectations of form, fit and function. I think many of us believe the MY is a terrific car, but also keep it under the microscope for continuous improvement. I know I would love to see it...