Functional failure is the failure of an asset, system, or process to fulfill one or more of its intended functions. While the asset may still operate in some form, it is classed as a failure if it does not contribute to operations as intended. Clearly outlining each of the potential points...
Inflation in consumer prices is measured and tracked so that problems in the economy can be pinpointed. If the rate of inflation is outpacing the rate of income growth, the economy is in trouble. Inflation can be negative, too; this is calleddeflation, but it is relatively rare. BLS publi...
Petroleum, also called crude oil, is a naturally occurring liquid found beneath the earth’s surface that can be refined into fuel. A fossil fuel, petroleum is created by the decomposition of organic matter over time and used as fuel to power vehicles, heating units, and machines, and can ...
The main function of green energy is to produce electricity and fuel through the use of renewable, naturally occurring energy sources. Green technologies are being invented and refined on a consistent basis to make better use of recurring resources and harness their power in hopes of replacing foss...
Most Dangerous Man Made Pollution That Can Be Controlled Air Pollution: A silent killer of life? Measures to control Air Pollution – Effective solutions to prevent it What is Water pollution and its causes, effects, types & prevention methods...
If this fabric is made from polyester, for instance, it is synthesized in a lab from entirely non-organic components. The polyester production process involves the refining of petroleum oil into a textile yarn, and quite a few different machines and chemicals are used throughout this process. ...
Petroleum jelly A hand-held shower head and bathroom chair You'll also need someone to drive you home after the tummy tuck. If you live alone, you'll want someone to stay with you for at least the first night. Make a plan for that. How Is a Tummy Tuck Done? Before your tummy tuck...
Polyamide fabric is a general term that is used to refer to a variety of different fabrics that are made from strings of polyamide monomers. The most famous form of polyamide fabric is nylon, but there are quite a few different varieties of this textile.
The candles of chief concern are those made from paraffin, which is a cheap byproduct primarily sourced from the refinement of petroleum. Paraffin is the most used candle wax worldwide, according to the National Candle Association, the major trade association representing US candle manufacturers and...
The candles of chief concern are those made from paraffin, which is a cheap byproduct primarily sourced from the refinement of petroleum. Paraffin is the most used candle wax worldwide, according to the National Candle Association, the major trade association representing US candle manufacturers and...